Thursday, February 27, 2020

Rebels: "Flight of the Defender" (Ep. 4.06)

-- "I'll believe it when I see it."

My first experience with the TIE Defender was... oh, a long, long time ago. Sometime in the early 90s. It was introduced in either X-Wing or T.I.E. Fighter, the first two of the Star Wars video games. I don't remember which of the two games it debuted in, but I was more than a little ambivalent about it for a long time. Sure, it's a cool looking ship, but it wasn't in the movies, and I had a problem with that. Yeah, I was a real legalist at the time, and this was all before the Expanded Universe began.

At any rate, the Defender is full canon, now, and it's cool that they're showing us bits of its development, like they did with the B-wing.

All of that being said, this story isn't really about the TIE Defender; that's just the cover story for whatever it is they have developing as what I'm guessing is the last plot arc of the series. Kanan almost says as much during the episode.

And all of it starts with Ezra's mystical encounter with an extinct wolf.

"I like those cats more and more."

"I told you it'd get interesting."

1 comment:

  1. Apart from LEGO Star Wars, I never explored the video games much.
