Friday, November 16, 2012

I Miss You!: The Blogfest

All of this started (I think) because I was pruning my blog list. Do you ever do that? Scroll down the list of blogs that you follow and notice how few of them are still active? "Let's see, it's been a year since the last time this person posted, this one can go." But, then, there are those I see and I think, "Man, whatever happened to blogxyz? I really liked that blog. I hope it was just normal attrition and not because something bad happened. Maybe I should email the blogger just to check in?" But I never follow through with urge to email, because, invariably, I'll think "later," but, when later comes, I've forgotten all about it.

But all of  this cutting off of old blogs or, actually, keeping some "just in case that person comes back" made me think that it would be awfully nice to be able to let people know that they are missed, so I contacted the Inestimable Alex to talk to him about it, and he dragged in the Inexhaustible Matt and, pretty soon, we had a blogfest.

Just so you know: I may not follow all of the rules exactly as we decided on them, so I'm not gonna re-post them. I'm just gonna name off some of the blogs I really miss having around. How do ya like them apples? (No, I don't really know what that means, but I had a friend when I was a kid that said that all the time, and it just popped into my head. Yeah, that's the way my brain works.)

1. Serendipity's Library: This is the blog that started all of this. Jennifer hadn't been around for a while when I was doing my pruning, and I started wondering what may be going on to stop her from blogging, because she had been very steady for a long time and the cessation was relatively sudden. I like her blog. It's full of all kinds of quirk and unique perspective. She's been around a little more since we came up with the idea of this thing, but not so much that I took her off the "I Miss You" list. She did post a new Charlotte the Creepy Doll story recently, so that was good, but, still, I miss when she was posting a few times a week, and I figured she should know that.

2. The Blutonian Death Egg: Even though I'm in (semi)regular communication with Rusty, because, well, he is my artist after all, and, yes, I do mean he's my artist; I don't care what anyone else says or even Rusty's own opinion on the subject. I found him; he belongs to me. Unless you're going to pay him wads of cash, you need to talk to me before using my cover artist. Oh, wait, where was I? Oh! So, yeah, it's not like I don't talk to Rusty, but I do miss his blog now that he's not keeping up with it so much. I especially miss when he used to talk about things he found interesting. Like, there was just this article about the Ronin planet that NASA or someone found, and, I bet, if Rusty posted about that, it would be a really cool post, and I miss those old posts by him. Even if he doesn't have time or inclination to be doing that stuff right now, I figured he oughtta know that his blog as I found back when I found is still one of my favorites.

3. It's the world, dear: I love Bess' blog. She has this great way of talking about New York and hipsters and, well, everything. And coffee. Coffee comes up a lot. She's taking a break from the blog world at the moment for an unspecified time, and I will miss reading her posts until she comes back. She was also posting some great clips from the world of her novel for a while, so I'm really looking forward to reading that. If she'll ever let me.

4. Alyssia Kirkhart: Alyssia had a baby and, well, a bunch of other things, so she hasn't been around much, but I do miss her blog. Not that she doesn't pop in every so often, but it's more like once a month instead of a couple of times a week. She always had an interesting way of saying whatever it was she was saying. I've always felt she deserved more traffic than she had, but I also remember what it's like to have a baby around, so... If I ever get even half way caught up on my reading, I need to read her book(s).

5. the museum of joy: Jericha has this great blog about this museum she one day wants to build, and she talks about all kinds of fabulous things at great length. Hers is a blog you can't skip idly through. You have to invest in reading her posts or just not bother. But her posts are worth the effort, and I miss when she was doing them more regularly. But she got this job at this awesome museum, which she talks about sometimes, but she doesn't post so often anymore. It's certainly worth stopping by when she does, though.

6. Concrete Pieces of Soul: This is a blog I really enjoyed while it was around. J, the author of the blog, had a great voice, and I always enjoyed reading her posts. She got married and life got in the way of blogging. I get that, but I do miss her posts.

All right, so those are the blogs I currently miss. The ones that I worry about missing are a little more difficult to nail down, because I listed them, mostly, already. But there are some, so let's take a look at those, too.

1. Briane Pagel: Okay, Briane Pagel is not a blog, but he does have more than a few, more than I can keep track of, actually, so I've picked two of his that I follow: The Best of Everything and Thinking The Lions. On a regular basis, Briane posts more than should be humanly possible. He has twin 6-year-olds and is a lawyer yet can post more in a day than I can in a week. His posts are long, often rambling, and always full of interesting thoughts told in an interesting way. Really, I love his blog, and, of all blogs I follow, I would hate to lose Briane the most. He's also incredibly supportive of independent writers, and you just can't buy the kind of support he gives away for free. Seriously, he is completely under appreciated. I get that he writes long posts, but more people should be willing to make the time investment in them. I hope Briane never goes away.

2. A Beer for the Shower: I love ABftS. Bryan and Brandon have the funniest blog I know of and are great writers to boot. They now have a goat as president of their blog, so I'm hoping that doesn't have any huge impact on their schedule. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you should be reading their blog.

3. The Warrior Muse: Shannon has a great blog that covers a lot of ground. She writes great, in depth, pieces about historical people and places that are always interesting. She posts great photos of Colorado. She offers great links and support to other writers. I would be sad if she ever quit blogging, so I'm glad that she's still around.

Well, that about covers all of that. Go by and show these blogger some love. For the ones that are MIA, if you are a follower of them, go by and let them know that you miss them, too. Or drop by and say that Andrew said you had a great blog and you should come back and show us. Let them know that they are appreciated. Well, quit standing around here and get to it!

In other news, my computer died. I'm pretty sure it's completely dead. Well, okay, that's not quite true. It could be revived, but it looks as if the cost of trying to get my seven-year-old computer running again will rival the cost of an even better, brand new computer. I suppose I should be thankful for the rise of tablets for that reason, because I can, actually, get a brand new desk top for cheaper than the new i-pad mini.

You be wondering how this affects you... well, for those of you that are following Shadow Spinner, part 9 was due out on Monday. At this point, that is next to impossible as the document is still locked in the dead computer. I'm hoping, maybe, for a Black Friday release, but I don't know yet. This may also set back the release of my super duper, top secret project that I was hoping to release the Monday after Thanksgiving in conjunction with Briane Pagel's Christmas blogathon thing: The Merry Christmas To All (e)Book A Day Traveling Blogathon (of Doom!). I should still be posting on my scheduled days, but I may not be releasing anything new. We'll see how it goes.
More on technology next week.


  1. Hey Andrew, thanks for hosting this blogfest, it's a great idea and I hope it gets MIA bloggers back to blogging. (:

  2. Thanks Andrew, and I second Elise! Sorry about your computer. Looking forward to meeting more recommendations and participants! Julie

  3. Thanks Andrew for hosting. It's my first time here (I joined in from Alex). Love your style, I am following now and checking out your favorites. Rhonda

  4. Thanks for hosting this -- will go over and check out the links. I like Shannon's blog too -- she would be a person on my "bloggers I'd miss" if the rules allowed a (much) longer list.

  5. Thanks for sharing all these great blogs! I am looking to make some new blogger contacts so I am going to stop by and say Hi!

  6. I came this close to naming Rusty as well, since he's burnt out a bit and not blogging much. And he can be YOUR artist - he's MY critique partner. So there!

  7. Thanks for hosting the Blogfest and will you and Alex ever stop baiting one another, you would think that the pair of you were in a jousting tournament!

  8. So I missed this when it first went up -- busy week! -- but thanks for the nice words. I'm only supportive of GOOD indie writers, so if I'm supporting you, then you are a good writer.

    And you, in particular, are a great writer.

  9. Fantastic post! So many great people out there blogging. I'd miss a lot of them if they stopped. Thank you for hosting this blogfest. It's a wonderful idea!

  10. Thank you Andrew for sharing this idea, this blogger concept! It is wonderful to revisit and stir the magic that only bloggers know! ;D
    ooh, I need more coffee, lol

    I love this post and all you shared!
    Rusty is in demand... I see!

    Off to visit, thanks again! :D

  11. So, how do we get them to come back? It is like losing touch with friends.

  12. Thanks Andrew. It is nice to know you are missed. You were one of my very first blog friends and that mean something to me:) This was a terrific idea and I have enjoyed visting the other blogs you listed.

  13. I'm sorry about your computer! But glad you guys put this blogfest together. It really made me want to see what I can do about upping my bloggy participation and keeping in better touch with blogs I miss. And reading other peoples' posts has reminded me of a lot of other blogs I haven't seen and want to catch up with.

  14. This is a wonderful blogfest you helped put together. Thanks for hosting and introducing me to some other great blogs.

  15. Making my way through the blogfest list, great idea for the blogfest and also your posting, now onto the other links! And will keep fingers crossed that your new release goes smoothly!

  16. I like the way you tactled this, Andrew. Gonna spend plenty of time getting to know these folks. Thanks, eh!

  17. Thanks for a great blogfest. It gave me a chance to give a shout-out to some dear friends, and a plea for the return of others. Great idea. Gotta check out some of your friends now...
    Tina @ Life is Good

  18. I also put ABftS on my post. Many of the blogs that people are missing I have never heard of. I need to get out more.

  19. It's kind of sad to look at the MIA bloggers in my list. Some of them were so creative and fun and talented, and then they just sort of vanished. You always wonder where they went.

    And I would miss so many blogging buddies, there's no way I could have listed just a few for this blogfest.

  20. Thanks for thinking up this blogfest! It's awesome. :)

    A goat as president of a blog? I'm intrigued...

  21. Hi Andrew .. love the people you've selected and Jericha's blog sounded so interesting - I popped on over and subscribed.

    Great decision to hold this blog fest .. hope your computer woes are sorted out ... and you can get right back in here .. Cheers Hilary

  22. I always wonder where people go when they disappear from the blogosphere. And then I realize oh yeah, they really didn't go anywhere, they just stopped blogging, which can be sad if it's a really good blog. Those are in short supply these days.

    Also, thanks for mentioning us, and for mentioning Peggy Sue. Honestly, aside from the fact that it's a lot of fun to write, it's one of the biggest promotional tools we've got, so we plan to be around long past our expiration date.

  23. love your eclectic list of blogs! thanks for co hosting this sweet hop!

  24. Thanks for hosting this blogfest!!! I'm so sorry about your computer.

  25. You've got a few in your list that I never found in the first place. I haven't pruned down my blog list in a very long time. I guess I've been too busy just trying to keep up with all the ones that stay before me. So many blogs, not enough time.

    A Faraway View

  26. So nice to meet you, and thanks for helping put this fest together!

  27. Glad you had this idea! I've never "pruned" my blog list. I've just gone along, thinking the bloggers I follow or who follow me will always be there. How silly. Of course, they have other lives, just as I do. They might have to leave or take a leave of absence, and I'd miss them. This is a great way to tell them that.

  28. What a great idea for a blogfest. Thank you for sharing this, I started worrying about some blogs, myself.

  29. Thank you for hosting!

    I enjoy Shannon's posts at The Warrior Muse, too. They're always interesting.

    I'm sorry to hear about your computer.

  30. Here is my post - do you have a linky list for the blogfest?

    Thank you for hosting.

  31. Oh, wow! There's a few there that I haven't seen in a long time. Now I can visit them again. Thanks for helping to put this all together, Andrew! :)

  32. I'm stopping by to say thank you for co-hosting this great blogfest.

  33. Great list. There are a few I'm not familiar with.

    Good idea-BTW.

  34. That's a great idea to actually go and tell these lovely bloggers we miss them :)

  35. I know Shannon. She's goon one! I like the sound of the beer for the shower. Gonna have to go check that one out.

    As for computer, well, at least you couldn't have picked a better time to buy one, what with all the sales and all. Good luck!

  36. This was a great idea for a blog fest! Thanks for hosting it!

  37. Hey, it's basically your blogfest, so you can make whatever rules you want! I almost forgot about Jericha, with my broken dashboard, so I'm glad you reminded me.

  38. Andrew, thank you for hosting such a wonderful fest! I'm excited to meet you and be following your blog now. Loved your list of bloggers! <3

  39. I love this blogfest. Thank you for hosting.

    I agree about Shannon. I haven't visited her in awhile. A Beer for the Shower sounds hilarious.

  40. Great blogfest and so glad that you gave us the opportunity to focus on bloggers that make a difference to us. I did not follow the rules either but I said what I needed to sayand that is enough for now. Thanks for sharing this great idea with us.

  41. After all Joylene's she-can't-possibly-be-talking-about-me comments, I had to make my way around this blogfest community to see who I've been missing. So, "Hello there, Andrew. Nice to meetcha!" Thanks for sharing your good 'bluddies' here, to borrow Matt's term. I'm heading over to check them out, too.

  42. Check out the new chromebook my friend. They are only 249 dollars and they kick ass.

    I'm sorry that your computer died. I work on computers every day and seven years old is really pushing the envelope on obsolescence. So maybe it's just time to move on.

  43. First time here, I like how your mind works by the way, but then again, I'm not a good source of mind stuff...being I'm crazy. Great list!

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Oops, sorry, that one above was me.

    I'd miss you if you stopped blogging, too! But that's not going to happen, right? RIGHT?! Thank you for the lovely shout out. I can't tell you how much I needed this today. And a wave and a thank you to the wonderful folks who agreed in the comments!

    You were even nice enough to mention me after I fried your computer long distance. ;-p

  46. Hi, Andrew,

    Thanks for hosting this blogfest. It was an inspiring idea.

    Like you, I bent the rules too. LOL.

    It is amazing how many of our blogger buddies have slipped away. It saddens me at times.

    Well, It's nice to meet you and I will visit again soon.


  47. Thanks for the shout-out! I'm super-dee-duper honored, though it is indeed for the Miss You Blogfest. As you mentioned, blogging has proved more difficult than I'd like to admit over the past several months. Having a child, then losing another has a way of doing that to a person. However, I'm hoping to climb back on the horse very soon, and I'll be most grateful for your continual support.

    Thanks, Andrew. :)

  48. Elise: Well, that would be ideal, but I'm okay as long as they know they've been missed.

    Julie: Computer issues are a hassle, especially because I NEED it.

    Rhonda: Nice to have you aboard!

    Damyanti: Well, you know, who follows rules anyway, right?

    cestlavie22: Good luck to you!

    Alex: As long as you know he's my artist, I'm okay.

    C.M.: What would be the fun in that? :P

    Briane: Well, I appreciate that :)

    Christine: Thanks so much. It was really just an inspired moment. I can't take much credit for it.

    Ella: Rusty is in demand; that's probably why he's so tired.
    Can I have coffee, too? Not that it helps me.

  49. Elizabeth: Well, a lot of them won't come back; they've gone on to other things. However, it's good for them to know they're missed even if they aren't coming back.

    Jennifer: I'm glad you're back around a bit more than you had been for a while :)

    CQG: Keeping up with blogs is rather a hard job, but there are people that make it worth it.

    Isis: You're so welcome!

    G_G: Well, I've already missed the one for Monday. Even if I had it ready to submit right now, Amazon wouldn't have it ready in time.

    Joylene: They're worth knowing! Have fun!

    Tina: Tell them I said hi :)

    PTM: Yeah, well, I haven't heard of most of them either. I get around as much as I can, but there are always so many more.

    L.G.: Yeah, that was my problem... the wondering.

    Laura: Well, I hope they didn't scare you away! It's kind of a weird goat.

  50. Thanks for hosting this awesome blogfest! It was fun!

    Great choices!

    Have a great weekend! :)

  51. Hilary: Hers is a great blog to follow. She has a unique perspective.

    ABftS: But what if they did go somewhere? What if the blog world sucked them in, and they are trapped somewhere inside of it?

    Tara: Thank you for stopping by!

    Tyrean: You are quite welcome.

    Lee: Well, I don't really prune mine very well, because I always think, "What if s/he comes back?"

    IitB: Sure thing!

    cleemckenzie: It is! I hope some people now know that they are missed.

    Melissa: I think the answer to worrying is to go over and let the person know you noticed s/he was gone.

    TGE: Yep. Shannon's great!

    Tami: I do have the linky list, but I was without my own computer when I was preparing my post, so not everything made it in.

  52. David: You bet!

    Rawknrobyn: You're so welcome!

    Teresa: I think it was a bolt of lightning... or, maybe, a flower pot falling on my head.

    Anna: I thought so!

    Nancy: I didn't actually notice any sales going on, but desktops are as cheap as they've ever been, right now.

    Sherry: You're welcome!

    Matthew: Broken dashboard? I don't even know what that means.

    Morgan: It's nice to meet you, too!

    Mina: I'm glad you liked it!

    Siv: It's always good to say what you need to say!

    Carol: Nice to meet you, too!

    Michael: Well, the video card had been going for a while... I just wasn't ready to fork out the cash yet.

    Hildie: Mind stuff... that sounds ominous.

    Shannon: I knew that was you before you said it was you :P
    Assuming my (new) computer continues to cooperate, I'll continue to blog.

    Michael Di Gesu: It saddens me, too, but, then, life takes us places, and there's not much we can do about it.

    Alyssia: Yeah, I know things have been less than smooth for you, just wanted you to know that you're missed.

    Livia: I'm glad you thought so!

  53. I miss you too, sir. It's genuinely heart-warming to have my absence noticed (hi, Matthew, I miss you too) - not to mention have you calling attention to it act as a path for new folks to find me (thanks, new friends)! I really appreciate the shout-out. I'm trying to do at least one post a week, and keep them really strong and on-topic. But I'm running around so much I have less time to follow & comment on the blogs I love, which I really regret. I am thinking of you, I swear!

  54. Oh, I love A Beer for the Shower too. Hilarious. Will go and have a look at some of your others. Thanks for a great blogfest. Nice to meet you :)

  55. Sorry to hear about your poorly sick computer! It's kinder to put it down and GO FOR A BRAND NEW ONE!!!!! Yah!!! I shall follow you with interest!

  56. Jericha: Well, you know, as long as you're thinking of me, I guess I'll give you a temp pass. :P

    Claire: And you!
    Those guys should probably be illegal with their funny.

    Pat: The computer saga is forthcoming. Glad to have you along!

  57. So it's you we have to thank for this great blogfest! One of the side benefits of it is that I can read why other bloggers love certain blogs and go check them out for myself. Nice to meet you- and thanks for putting this together!

  58. Rose: I hope you're saying that in a good way. :P
    And no problem! :)
